Hawaii Community College Web site
Why not outsource distance learning expansion? This manual shows teaching professionals how to create and implement on-line courses with reliable, free systems and software on the internet. Expand distance learning offerings without increasing costs associated with in-house servers.
*** Copyright (c) 2003 by Anson Chong. All Rights Reserved. See note at end of this article. Initial draft went on line, Feb. 21, 2002. Appropriate supplementary information posted as addenda. Modifications, spelling and grammer fixes are on-going. Most recent: May 4, 2003.
This article has been reviewed by Professor Ray Schroeder, Director, Office of Technology- Enhanced Learning, University of Illinois at Springfield, and published as a resource in the OTEL's Online Learning News Blog archives on April 15, 2002. The URL is: http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/onlinelearning/archive/2002_04_14_archive.html
How to Set up an Internet Course with Free Tools
Acknowledgements: Professors Birch Robison and Trina Nahm-Mijo, Hawaii Community College and Judi Kirkpatrick and Bert Kimura, Kapiolani Community College, for their unstinting encouragement, advice and obvious dedication and enthusiasm to expand the opportunities of distance learning delivery systems to the people of Hawai'i. The following are also acknowledged for suggesting useful changes: U. of Hawaii at Hilo Lecturer, Ann N. Gleason, and Dr. Bernhard Laurich, Hawai'i Community College Instructor.
Author: Anson Chong, Adjunct Lecturer, Hawai?i Community College, University of Hawai'i Community College System
Background: This on-line paper is in response to a call for papers for the Seventh Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges Online Conference scheduled in May 21-23, 2002. The conference was coordinated by Dr. Bert Kimura at the Kapiolani Community College, U. of Hawai'i Community College System. The theme was "Hybrid Dreams, the Next Leap for Internet-Mediated Learning," and the WEB site is at http://leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu/org/tcon2002.
This paper was also used as a resource for the University Symposium: On-Line Learning on July 17, 2002 at Tapped In, which is supported by SRI International & the National Science Foundation. For details click on http://www.tappedin.org/info/sc/sc02.html#univ
How to use this outline: To jump to any topic noted below, simply click on "Edit" (see tool bar at the top of your screen), select "Find (on this page)..." and type the topic you want in the box after "Find What:" (and hit the ENTER key).
1. Synoposis 2. Rationale 3. Preliminaries a. Expectations b. Disclaimers c. Ease of Use d. Assumptions - PC Skills, Teacher Training, Pedagogy, Evaluations e. Approach & Caveats 4. Systems/Software a. WEB pages - Purpose b. An Aside c. E-mail - Folders, Auto-Reply, Address Book/Class Lists d. Message Boards - a.k.a. Discussion Boards, Listservers e. File Archives - Groups, Yahoo Briefcase f. Links/Bookmarks g. Polling h. Virtual Office i. Chat j. Profiles k. Calendar 5. Yahoo! Groups 6. WEB-CT & Blackboard Platforms 7. Thinkwell Platform 8. Prentice-Hall & Thomson Learning Platforms 9. WEB pages - Create a. Yahoo!/Geocities b. Pyra Labs (Blogs) 10. Security 11. Conclusion 12. Appendix a. Other Ideas (your input) b. Free WEB server lists 13. Addenda - added after 4/8/02 a. Thinkwell Rumors, Carl Tyson, CEO/President, (posted 4/14/02) b. Online Learning News, Dr. Ray Schroeder, (posted 4/15/02) c. Technology Tools for Today's Campus, Dr. James L. Morrison, editor (posted 6/18/02) d. Free Internet Service Providers (ISPs) (posted 4/16/02)
-------- Main body of paper starts here --------
This paper is designed to show experienced instructors, professors and lecturers how to create and implement on-line courses using free systems and software on the Internet. It is assumed that the reader knows how to handle elementary Windows environments on a PC (personal computer) with a modem (a device that connects the PC to a phone line or cable system). However, the reader does not have to know how to handle HTML code or JAVA script to set up on-line courses as described here.
The intent is to show experienced college teachers how to adapt standard syllabi and lesson plans to reliable course-presentation Internet formats. Also discussed is the use of cost-effective CD digital technology to bring outstanding guest lecturers (all Ph.D.s) in sound, color and animation right into the student's home PC's.
This approach ENABLES, ELIMINATES and EMPOWERS as follows:
(a) The approach ENABLES distance learning professionals to set up Internet courses from scratch using free on-line tools as an alternative to the proprietary tools offered by for-profit corporations. The great advantage here is that the faculty member has complete control over the Internet course environment and can thus modify and fix the inevitable hiccups without having to wait for usually swamped tech-help.
(b) The approach ELIMINATES or LOWERS many of the usual cost overheads by (1) relieving overburdened university computer systems, (2) lowering the use of paper and all that entails and (3) not taking up scarce classroom space. These huge cost savings are possible because our approach bypasses institutional servers completely. Also, savings associated with cutting down on paper use include costs such as xerox machine use, expensive ink cartridges, and maintenance costs. These are costs that go way beyond the actual paper costs.
(c) The approach EMPOWERS students and faculty by imparting powerful, useful skills that continue long after formal courses are over. For instance, after studying this short paper, a student or faculty member will be able to communicate with anyone on this planet who has a PC with Internet access, not only by e-mail, but also in sound and by Web-cam (visually) -- for free. It is a fact that many folks with PCs simply do not realize how easy it is to use the existing free tools for many applications, and this paper provides the "how to" for those who want to expand their existing capabilities but have not yet done it.
This presentation, in simple English and without techno-education jargon, demonstrates how free, easily available WEB tools can be used to set up effective on-line courses NOW, not in the distant future. Free tools discussed include those provided by Yahoo!/Geocities, Thinkwell, Pyra Labs, Hotmail, AVG, and Zone Alarm.
The neophyte is shown how to create and use the tools for Internet courses, including Message Boards (a.k.a. listserves, discussion boards), e-mail, chat rooms (with voice, non-voice and/or Web-cam capabilities), polling, basic WEB pages, file archives (including photos and large files), firewalls, virus-checkers, bookmarks, address data banks, search engines, automatic generation of predrafted messages where appropriate, and automatic alerts for papers, meetings, and course events.
The author is mindful of the usual pitfalls that the non-technical first-timer could encounter, and the easy-to-follow procedures here are designed to help avoid them and thus contribute to learning-curve acceleration.
The reason for creating my own "stand-alone" distance learning system was because of difficulties I encountered in getting access to local Web-CT system and services. I am a 63-year old adjunct lecturer and not a regular full-time university faculty member which limits my access to the university servers. In fact, to this day, I still have no dedicated U. of Hawaii web sites for my courses, and no dial-up access to the university servers, although I did try to obtain them. Fortunately, an open-minded department chairperson, not afraid to consider alternatives, gave me the green light to set up the systems discussed here.
In the process of starting from scratch, I discovered that creating WEB-based courses using reliable, free systems and software was not as daunting as previously imagined. After two years of fine-tuning the creations, I believe that this experience could be very useful to other teaching professionals. Thus, the decision to put this on-line as a free publication, available to anyone able to surf the Web.
Institutional administrators may also find the approach here very useful. We spell out ways to save huge amounts of money in one fell swoop. Basically, overhead cost (especially personnel costs to keep servers and software "up" and functioning), materials and equipment costs (use of paper, xerox machines, etc.) and classroom space are NOT impacted as distance learning opportunities are expanded.
It is NOT the intent of this paper to discourage use of the current Web-CT system which may or may not be easier to use than the approach used here (although, obviously it would cost more since our approach by-passes existing university infrastructures for distance learning expansion). However, it should be noted that this paper is around 28 pages in hardcopy equivalent length, whereas the Web-CT on-line manual is several hundred pages long and growing. The firm also constantly upgrades its software which requires faculty to spend time learning about the latest bells-and-whistles being introduced. This strongly suggests that perhaps the approach offered by this free paper is indeed less stressful and easier to set up and use.
If you have developed an Internet system with free tools and are willing to share your cost-saving insights with others, kindly send an e-mail note to me at AnsonChong@pobox.com for inclusion in the body of this continuously updated paper or as a link to this site..
I've found it very useful to post an "Expectations" message on all of my course sites, particularly the one that is listed at the on-line catalogue that students interested in Internet-based courses are likely to see. Click on http://important8.blogspot.com to see what I use. The reason for doing this is to mitigate the well-known phenomenon of higher-than-average drop-rates for on-line courses as amply documented by Professor David Diaz in his recent paper on online drop rates (http://ts.mivu.org/default.asp?show=article&id=981).
Posting the "Expectations" message early-on gives students a realistic, unvarnished view of what taking an Internet course may be like. I didn't do this the first few times I ran such courses and ended up with students who: (a) couldn't type, (b) were extremely technologically challenged, i.e. were fearful of PCs, had never used one, didn?t know the difference between an Internet-based course and a traditional classroom course, etc., (c) thought that they didn't have to do assignments for on-line courses because they worked a full-time job, had to care for kids as a single parent, were frequently sick, "had" to take off-island vacations and couldn't get to a PC terminal frequently, etc., (d) were easily frustrated, rude, quick to complain (persistent whiners), (e) couldn't read English very well and if they could, (f) couldn?t follow simple instructions such as how to send messages, reports, papers and quizzes to an e-mail address.
A frank, "straight-talk" message with a non-threatening self-assessment quiz at the very outset could help such persons de-select themselves, although not for those in the "e" or "f" category, of course. You would have to live with such students if you do Internet-based courses, but then, as a professional instructor, you would know how to handle such cases, right? (smile) Aside: If you have proctored final exams (as I do in all of my Internet-based courses), be sure that the student understands that there is no way he or she can pass the course without doing it.
It would be a good idea to put a standard disclaimer notice at all of your sites.
Technical glitches WILL happen, links sometimes don?t work, your e-mail directives may not get through (though unlikely if you follow the suggestions here), a parent may get upset about your reading lists, etc. That's why I put a "standard" disclaimer on all of my sites. Click on http://www.geocities.com/hawccdisclaimer for a sample which I feel is quite adequate. Feel free to fly this by a lawyer if you wish.
Also standard Netiquette rules (general rules of politeness) should be established early. Click on http://www.chowan.edu/acadp/computer/netetiquette/corerules.html for standard Netiquette rules I use.
A short notice announcing the sanctions you'll use for those who don't comply with the basic rules would be useful. Here's one I sometimes use: Students are responsible for complying with all university rules and regulations, including those posted here. Be advised that all instructors are authorized to drop any student from the course for non-compliance at any time.
The main point is to provide early documentation if it is necessary to get rid of persistently disruptive students from your message boards, chat rooms, and other on-line portals to your courses. You should check your faculty manual on regulations specific to your institution on this and all such related matters, and save all objectional materials any student posts to your sites in the event that your efforts to keep your course running smoothly are challenged.
A good rule-of-thumb is to keep your focus on ease-of-use which means that ALL of the initial information about the course should be easily accessible on one page that loads quickly onto a student's PC, preferably a page that does not spill over too much beyond the size of a PC screen.
Long pages that spill over the Main screen may confuse the student (and thus contribute to lost papers, quizzes, directives, instructions, etc.). Photos, fancy designs, too many colors etc. can also slow down the loading process. Such slow-downs can cause you lost readership and countless e-mail messages and phone calls for help and clarifications.
How to make your own "Main" Web page is covered in "Web Pages," Section 9. For now it would be helpful for you to keep in mind that ONE page for your "Main" course site, particularly for entry-level courses is HIGHLY recommended. (Of course, these are not hard and fast rules, and for upper level courses for more technologically sophisticated students, this "one screen" rule can be ignored.) Click on http://kanaka.org to see my one-page sites.
Another basic fact to keep in mind is that many students do not have broad-band (i.e. fast) access to the Internet via cable, fiber-optics or satellite. This means that pictures, videos, audio clips and the like may not be easily viewed or heard by many students. It would therefore be prudent to avoid these kinds of bells and whistles on your main page.
In my case, I bought the cheapest discount PC (1998) I could find at Wal-Mart (HP Pavilion S50). If a free Internet system or software didn't work on it, I simply didn't use it. Since many, if not most of my students (and most probably yours) also would tend to have low-end PCs, the information, processes and procedures noted here will most likely work if you use them too.
PC skills: This paper assumes that the reader is already familiar with basic keyboard skills, has an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and knows what it is, and has an e-mail address and can use it. Most of the other technical skills that are necessary to set up an on-line course is covered here.
Teacher Training: This paper assumes that the reader is a competent, experienced instructor and has the skills of a regular classroom teacher including classroom management skills (and all that entails), demeanor, and a professional attitude. It is unlikely that an effective internet-based course can be created if the reader has no knowledge or experience in usual classroom management activity including: lesson plan and syllabi creation, setting realistic grading options, handling a wide range of student abilities, establishing deadlines, maintaining class decorum and standards, and so on. These aspects are not covered here.
For a pretty good description of what's involved in going from a classroom to the Internet, read How to go from Classroom to the Web Room by Professor Rik Hall, Program Director, Distance Education, & Off-Campus Services, U. of New Brunswick, June 2001 at http://wellspring.isinj.com/RikHall.html.
Six factors to consider in setting up on-line courses are detailed in Dr. Suzanne Levy's article on the same subject located at http://www.web.ms11.net/hawaii/sixfactors.htm.
Finally, a recent paper by Dr. Hakan Tuzun at Indiana University (4/25/03) focussing on guidelines for converting standard courses into Web-based courses is a good review of literature, to date, on this issue. The short paper, in PDF format, is at this URL http://www.ericit.org/fulltext/IR021607.pdf.
Pedagogy: It is not likely that this aspect of Internet courses will be standardized anytime soon. However, common sense suggests that teacher-student contact activity and feedback in the form of Message Board discussions, papers, tests, quizzes and exams is important. I do NOT cover these aspects in detail. Instead, I simply show the reader how I have handled these aspects in my courses and leave it at that. Suffice to say that after doing these types of courses for the past two years, my feeling is that, at the minimum, a proctored final examination is vital and frequent on-line quizzes, perhaps weekly, are in order.
Evaluations: Anonymous course evaluation questionnaire development is under continuous refinement, and Professors Judi Kirkpatrick and Vinnie Linares, at Kapiolani Community College with Dean Harry Kawamura at Hawaii Community College, are diligently working on this. Obviously, the questions on the currently used course evaluation forms are not adequate for on-line courses. For instance, questions regarding timely responses to student e-mail queries, ease-of-use of various distance learning technologies, down-time reactions, technical support performance, are not covered.
Update Jan. 2003: The preliminary online evaluation forms are now in use.
It should be noted that on-line "anonymous" course evaluation procedures, per se, are generally not credible since many folks know that any so-called anonymous on-line message can be easily traced (as the CIA and FBI have amply proven while tracking down al Qaeda terrorists). So the more sophisticated student, knowing this, is not likely to be wholly truthful in his or her responses. (Think about it: If you were a student knowing that a professor has the potential to know your responses to this kind of questionnaire, and knowing that professors do, in fact, exchange information about students all the time, would you cut your own throat by trashing him or her?)
Although personnel records of individual students are maintained by your college records folks, it is useful to keep your own files on students for future reference. Employers or government security agencies doing background checks may solicit your input many years after the student has graduated or left your institution, and your notes may be helpful to jog your memory.
With the above having been noted, I now present simple steps for the professional teacher who wants to create an on-line course using free software and systems currently available on the Internet. The caveat is that such software and systems may not be available forever. Click on the following for a recent Fortune Magazine article on this issue.
If Enron, numerous airlines, and countless dot-coms can go belly up - so can these free systems. Even Web-CT is not immune from the vagaries of the market place.
Introduction: To set up an on-line course, you'll need some basic tools and the capability to use them. Here are what I consider the basic tools for an on-line course: web pages, e-mail accounts, message boards, file archive docking areas, ability to establish links to other Web sites, polls, virtual office hours, chat rooms and student profiles. Trust me, it isn't as daunting as it sounds. Each of these capabilities is discussed below.
a. WEB PAGES - Purpose
Remember, the purpose of creating a course Web page is not to win creative artist awards for intricate Web page design. The purpose is to set up a simple, easy-to-use WEB site so that you can achieve the course goals and objectives that you have undoubtedly posted there. For examples of what I'm talking about, check out these one-page sites I created for three of my courses: http://econ120fall.blogspot.com, http://econ130-fall.blogspot.com, and http://ps110fall.blogspot.com.
These URLs get published in the university on-line catalogue, and the prospective student need only click on the site to get the basic information about each course including a one-click self-test that would help them guage their suitability for taking distance learning courses in general.
These three sites use the free WEB page services of Yahoo!/Geocities and Pyra Labs (the "blogs"). Although there are scores (if not hundreds) of free Web page server outfits out there, it is important to realize that each has its own way of doing things which is not necessarily transferable to the others. To achieve maximum efficiency, therefore, it is best to concentrate on one or two systems, master them, and stick with them. (For free Web page server listings, see Appendix B: Free Web Server Listings.)
I like Yahoo!/Geocities and Pyra Labs because they do not require knowledge of HTML codes or JAVA script and you do not need to read hundreds of pages of manuals just to get started. Instead, the way to set up your initial WEB page or pages is simply to go into the main pages of these systems and follow the prompts. That?s what I did to learn the basics of these systems, and so can you! I also like these systems because the web pages you create are not cluttered with advertising banners, pop-up come-ons and the like. Of course, there are modest ads which support the free systems, but they are not obtrusive, unlike many other free Web services out there.
My recommendation is to set up your main Web page using Yahoo!/Geocities (the one that gets listed in your university or college on-line catalogue), and to expand from there using the Pyra Lab blogger "mini" web pages. Again, for examples of how this is done, see my sites at http://www.geocities.com/hawcc. Here, the main site is constructed with the Yahoo!/Geocities easy-to-learn and use PageBuilder tool while the sub-sites (the actual course descriptions) are done with the Pyra Lab blogs.
To speed up your learning curve time, I've listed some "quick start" procedures for Yahoo!/Geocities and Pyra Labs, in section 7, below.
See this excellent paper by James Powell of Virginia Tech: "50+ Questions you need to answer as you design a Web page" (http://www.vt.edu/misc/publish/WebDesign_files/v3_document.htm) for a useful checklist of questions you may need to ask as you construct your Web pages.
Using the free space provided by your ISP (usually 10-15 MB) to set up a WEB site is fine. However, this aspect is not covered here because I have yet to master use of Windows Frontpage and the rather confusing steps (to me) of getting the results of the drafts uploaded from my "el-cheepo" low-end PC to the ISP I use with free FTP (file transfer protocols) software. If anyone out there has the time to do a simple 1-2-3 manual on this aspect, preferably using the two well-known free FTP systems, CUTE and Free FTP, please do it and send me the instructions so that I can add your words of wisdom to this site at the end of this paper, while giving you full credit, of course.
Added Comment 7/27/02: Since the above was written, I purchased ($35.95) the CUTE ftp soffware, opened an account with CornerHouse, a low-cost ($5/month) server and established a domain at GoDaddy (under $9/year) named kanaka.org. After mastering these systems, I'll post some comments here. UPDATE 4/2/03: Yep, it works fine. Easy to use. I would recommend that you find a cheap host like I did and do it. Another, so far, free hosting system (after paying a one-time $11 fee) is http://www.web.ms11.net that now use as backup for THIS page. (smile)
Your university or college system is likely to provide free e-mail addresses to registered students. However, they are not likely to provide easy-to-follow instructions on how to access such e-mail accounts and the internet from home PCs. This is critical since virtually all students who sign up for Internet courses do so because it is more convenient for them to do the course from home.
I generally tell my students to get their own ISP accounts. The financially-challenged student can be referred to various university terminals or the public library. If the Thinkwell video CD package (see below) is used, they would have to make special arrangements, in some cases, to get the audio turned on since many libraries have audio "off" for obvious reasons. Over the past 3 years, I've had only two students who did not have a PC at home. They were advised not to sign on for my internet courses, but did so anyway. As expected, they were the ones who complained loudly about not being able to get to a terminal to do the weekly quizzes on time, get papers in on time, or even to do the Mid-Term online exam on time. To protect yourself from these whiners, be sure to file hardcopy documentation that such students have been advised at the beginning of the semester of all course requirements, get them to sign it, and file the signed documents in their personnel files.
UPDATE 4/2/03: Since around Sept. 2002, the UH-Hawaii e-mail system has vastly improved. It is now easy to use and has fewer downtowns. A great advantage of it is that there is no spam or pop-up ads. I recommend that UH students get and use this system.
I also recommend web-based e-mail accounts which are accessible from any Internet connection. The following comments refer to Yahoo! and Hotmail free e -mail accounts at http://mail.yahoo.com and http://mail.hotmail.com, respectively.
Cautions: As of early 2002, Yahoo and Hotmail, the most used free web-based systems, have 30-day inactivity clauses. This means that if you do not go into those accounts for 30 days, they are closed and your e-mail bounces back to the sender. You can avoid that by sending the firms about $9.95/year, but my experience is that it is the nature of on-line courses that email accounts for them are used quite frequently and that the 30-day cut-off is rarely a problem if you remind your students to go "into" their Yahoo and Hotmail accounts at least once a month -- particularly those students who use it only as a "backup" account.
Another fine free e-mail service with no 30-day cut-off policy is the Care2 system. To open an account there, go to
>>--> http://www.care2.com/accounts/signupform.html
1. Folders: I use this option for my weekly quizzes and reports. All you need to do is instruct students on how to fill in the Subject field to get your quizzes delivered to a folder named, say, Quiz One or Quiz Two etc. To set up your own folders, click on Options (left column of your main e-mail page) and follow the appropriate prompts. See Auto-Reply, below for more useful hints.
2. Auto-Reply: This is useful to assure the student that his/her quiz or report was received and forestalls that 1 a.m. phone call from a worried student to inquire if the report was received by the deadline. To set this option up, go to Options from your Yahoo! e-mail page, click on Vacation Response and follow the prompts.
An example would clarify how to use this feature: Say you decide to give weekly quizzes. To keep track of them easily, set up an e-mail address called Math101quiz@yahoo.com (or whatever) to which you instruct all students to send the quizzes. After setting up the folders there, e.g. Quiz One, Quiz Two, etc. (as explained above), all you need to do to see if the quizzes are done is to go to the particular folder. The student, for his or her part, will get your pre-drafted message stating that the quiz was received.
3. Address Book/Class List: This is useful to maintain and retrieve important notes and information about each student. It also enables you to send broadside messages to the entire class quickly without having to type the e-mail address of each student individually. (Thinkwell and Prentice-Hall also have this capability.)
Also known as Listservers or Discussion Boards, this feature is a must for most on-line courses because it provides the instructor and all members of the class with the opportunity to exchange information electronically as a group. Audio and video interactions are covered under Chat below.
Message Board discussions can be open-ended or time-delimited. Open-ended means that you allow the class conversation to continue indefinitely -- sort of a rambling on-line place for the class to go to post messages, get reactions, feedback and even to make dates throughout the semester!
A more structured and easy-to-administer option is the time-delimited option. All this means is that you would designate a date/time window for everyone in the class to log on and participate in a focused discussion on a topic you post. I've found that a 3-day window works well for everyone. For instance, you can designate a required 3-day window once a month for everyone to log on and participate -- or if you have time, perhaps a 2-day window once a week.
Yahoo! provides a Message Board in its Yahoo! Groups suite of free services which is detailed in Section 5. Thinkwell also includes a free Discussion Board with its innovative CD textbook discussed in Section 7.
You will most probably want to save and upload files for your students to read and study. Yahoo! Groups has this feature which is discussed in Section 5.
You also might want to consider using the neat Yahoo! Briefcase feature as a backup. This free feature basically provides you with a virtual 30 megabyte on-line hard disk to which you can upload files for others to view at a specific URL (Web address). To use this feature, you need to do a separate registration. For details, click on "Briefcase" at the bottom of your main Yahoo! e-mail page. This file-sharing feature, however, is available only to other Yahoo! users, another good reason to simply require your students to open a Yahoo account for your courses.
You also will most probably want to have a place for interesting links you want your students to read. Yahoo! Groups has this feature, which is discussed in Section 5. It is also very easy to create links directly on your main course Web site, or any other site you choose, with the Yahoo!/Geocities and Pyra Labs web sites, both of which are covered in our discussion in Section 9. Here's an example of a links page for my Political Science course using the free Yahoo/Geocities system: http://www.geocities.com/ps110links
g. POLLS: View this as a way for you get a quick show of hands in your electronic classroom for particular questions. For instance, you might want to do a poll to find the most convenient date/time slots for your focused daily, weekly or monthly Message Board discussions. Yahoo! Groups (see Section 5) has this easy-to-use feature.
The latest free version (as of now, Feb. 2003) of the Yahoo! Messenger software is vastly improved from earlier versions and now includes the capability to interact with anyone with the same free software in real-time in audio, visual or both modes simultaneously. For audio, you?ll need to plug in a microphone to your PC (usually under $10) and for audio/visual, you'll need a WEB Cam (usually in the $40-60 range).
To download your free Yahoo! Messenger software, go to your main Yahoo! e-mail page, look for Yahoo! Messenger and click on it for further information. The one-time download of the free software takes about 13 minutes, much less if you have broadband cable or fiber-optic connection to the Internet. Click on http://officehours8.blogspot.com to see how I've setup my Virtual Office consultation information page based on Yahoo! Messenger. However, be aware of possible security vulnerabilities discussed in Section 8.
Over the past two years, I've found that chat mode works best with small groups of under ten persons. Larger groups result in slow, clunky sessions which are generally not useful. Also, if you use this mode, I strongly suggest that all students do it in audio (i.e. have microphones activated). The reason for this is that the flow of electronic conversation goes much more smoothly if people are talking. What you would be using is basically an audio party line which hosts discussions, some of which can get heated. Typing messages in this environment would be tedious, particularly for those who can't type very well.
On the other hand, typed messages can be saved and stored, which may or may not be what you want.
There are several ways that you can initiate real-time chat sessions: One way is to require everyone in the class to enter the course chat room via the Yahoo! Groups suite at the same time. Another way is to activate your Yahoo! Messenger software and invite students to join in a chat. This would require, of course, that all students are alerted to be on line at an appointed time with their Yahoo! Messenger software activated.
The latter (Yahoo! Messenger) can be more complicated and involved to set up. I've also found, on occasion, that the Yahoo! system can get congested and the voice messages sometimes ?slow down? -- and sounds like people are talking while under water. (These instances are few and far between, but still can be annoying, to say the least!)
After two years of experimentation, I now encourage use of the Chat mode for students to interact with each other in small groups informally but no longer make it a course requirement. The best way to get class participation in a focused manner, in my opinion, is to set up asynchronous Message Board sessions periodically as explained in Section 4.
j. PROFILES: Last, but not least, is the Yahoo! Profiles page. It can be a useful tool to facilitate student interaction. Remember, as an Internet course, face-to-face interaction is not the norm, so the only way people can get to know each other quickly is to check the profiles of fellow students. I ask students to do the short, standard Yahoo! Profiles questionnaire, which also has space for them to upload a photo, post links to their own personal WEB page (if they have one), and other general information. To see the Yahoo! Profile of anyone in the class, all a student has to do is go to the Groups site, enter the Members page for the class list and click on the person's name.
Click on http://yahooprofile.blogspot.com to see the simple ?how to? instructions I use to encourage students to do their profile page.
Postscript: I'm no longer recommending use of Yahoo Profiles because I've found that most students have great difficulty mastering it even with the simple instructions noted above. For the upcoming semester, I'm simply asking students to send me a photo and brief bio for inclusion in a "Class Picture" as a way for everyone to get acquainted. (It is quite easy to create a one-page "Class Photo" page using Yahoo/Geocities, detailed below.)
k. GROUPS CALENDAR: Also included in the Yahoo! Groups suite of tools is a calendar with a useful alert feature which enables you to type in pre-arranged alert messages to your students. For instance, if you plan on doing weekly quizzes, you can use the calendar alert feature to automatically send reminders, say, 3 days before the due date of each quiz.
This free suite of tools is very useful for Internet courses because you, the instructor, can control access and content of each Yahoo! Group you create. The major recommended tools and what they do have been covered in sections 4a through 4k, above. This brief section shows you how easy it is to create a Yahoo! Group for your courses.
a. At the bottom of your main Yahoo! e-mail page is a list of Yahoo! services in tiny blue letters. Look for Groups and click on it. b. Right there, in the middle of the page is Start a New Group in a box. Click on it. c. Next, type in a name for this group, e.g. Physics 101 (and hit the ENTER key) d. For e-mail address use your Yahoo! e-mail account, for now (the address through which you just accessed this Groups set up page) and hit ENTER. e. For Describe type, Physics 101 Groups (or whatever), and hit ENTER. f. For Language use English, and hit ENTER. g. For Listed or Unlisted choose Unlisted for now and hit ENTER. h. For Membership there are three choices. Open, Restricted and Closed. I recommend using Closed for now, and hit ENTER. i. For Moderation, you have three choices. Choose Unmoderated for now. j. Hit the Continue box. k. For Profile - skip this since you will have already done yours, right? (smile). See Section 4j, above. l. For Email Address (again), this one is the address to which you want the Message Board postings sent. Use an e-mail address you most frequently use, and hit ENTER.
You are now ready to INVITE folks to this group named Physics 101 Group (or whatever) which you just created. If you don't have an e-mail list yet, just skip this section. How to invite folks is detailed below.
Now, after you create a Yahoo! Groups site, the thing to do is set up what you want it to handle. Here's how.
a. Again, starting from your main Yahoo! e-mail page, look for the list of Yahoo! services in tiny blue letters at the bottom of the page and click on Groups. b. Look to the left of the screen and note My Groups with the notation, Physics 101 (or whatever Group you just created above.) Click on that. c. Go to Settings (lower left side of the main Groups screen) and click on it. d. There are many options you can modify, but for now, just do the following three (you can always go back to Settings later and do more):
1. Do you see Welcome Message and Footer? Good. Click on EDIT to edit it. Highlight the default welcome message and hit your Delete key, then add something like Here is your invitation to the Physics 101 Group site. Please hit your Reply and Send keys to automatically gain access to this site.
2. Also, delete the footer default message (highlight what's there and hit your Delete key). I recommend doing this because it would eliminate a group member from accidentally unsubscribing themselves. (If a student dropped the class, you can always unsubscribe them by going to Members and deleting their name from there).
3. For Features and Options, click on EDIT and do the following recommendations for now (you can change things later on) a. Messages: No change. b. Chat: No change. c. Files/Photos: Click Limited option (You upload, they can download but not upload). This prevents unwanted clutter. d. Bookmarks: Check Moderator only (You don?t want everyone in the class uploading stuff. It could really get cluttered up fast.) e. Database: Check off (If you have time, however, check this option out. I haven't had time to do it yet.) :) f. Polls: Check Moderator only g. Members: no change h. Calendar: Check Moderator only i. Promote: Check off
Then, of course, you need to invite your students to this group and begin to use it. Here's how:
a. Go to Invite (lower left side of the main Groups screen) and click on it. b. Type in a list of student e-mail addresses. Be sure to separate each e-mail address with a comma. That's it! Simple!
(You?ll need to figure out a way to get an e-mail list. Click on http://econ131todos.blogspot.com for an example of how I got registered students to send in their e-mail addresses for my Econ131 class.)
c. Hit Send. They will all then get an invitation to join your Groups site. As noted earlier, hitting their "R"eply key (and ENTER), automatically gets them listed under Members at your groups site.
n In summary, by setting up a Yahoo! Group Suite of tools for each course, you have easy access and control over a wide range of tools to make the course an exciting experience for your students. The tools include (but are not limited to) an easily accessible Message Board, Chat Room, Bookmark/Links, File Archive, Profiles for each student, Polling capability, and a Calendar with alert-message features. To enter and use any of these tools, your students need only look at the left side of their main groups page, and click on the feature they want to use.
How do you and your students get into this groups site you created? There are several shortcuts, but for now, just stick to the easiest way to remember: Go to your main Yahoo! e-mail page, look at the bottom of the screen, click on Groups and follow the prompts. That's it! :)
This paper does not cover these platforms because I don't use them. The U. of Hawaii system uses WEB-CT but I found it non-intuitive and didn't have the substantial learning- curve time to learn how to use it when I first tried it back in 1999. My understanding is that the tech support has improved somewhat. In my most recent forey at trying it out, I still found it definitely not easy to set up -- certainly not as easy and intuitive as the Thinkwell system I'm using. (See Section 7, below). Colleagues at other colleges tell me that the Blackboard system is easier and more intuitive than WEB-CT.
7. THINKWELL CD SYSTEM: (4/14/02: See Addendum for update.)
This is a unique learning system that is VERY useful for the following entry-level college courses (as of March 2003): Calculus I, Calculus II, College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Precalculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, American Government, Economics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Public Speaking.
The exciting feature here is that students can view actual mini-lectures at home. These lectures are by competent, experienced university professors (all Ph.D.'s). Click on http://ps110lecturers.blogspot.com to see a summary explanation that I use for my Political Science course.
To get a more detailed rundown of the Thinkwell delivery system, click on http://www.thinkwell.com.
After three years of using this system for my economics and political science courses, my feeling is that it is definitely a quantum leap in distance learning technology and very, very cost effective.
The cost of a typical set of CDs is under $70 for most courses, and up to about $90 for a few others. This price range compares well with many good quality hardcover textbooks and workbooks, but the resources that come with the Thinkwell CDs are vast:
The student has instant access to the very reliable Thinkwell servers, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day where tests, examinations, a Discussion Board, technical support and other features reside.
The CDs also provide instant off-line accessibility to the lectures (sound, color, animations etc.) as well as the transcripts of the lectures (about 150 mini-lectures ranging from 7-20 minutes) and actual lecture notes. Students can review each lecture as many times as is needed, off-line, from home.
For the instructor, the Thinkwell on-line test banks and automatic grading systems are outstanding, as is the telephone and e-mail technical support department. No question about it. For example, for resolution of multiple-choice questions (fortunately, very infrequent in my experience) the instructor, after a cursory check, may refer such questions to the Thinkwell in-house professors who thus become effective "third party" referees with their authoritative feedback.
Although it is true that a coordinator of a Thinkwell course may appear to be a modified graduate assistant (since all lectures are handled by experienced, qualified Ph.D.'s), in actuality, substantial time is required for the coordinative work involved, including the careful selection of videos to put into a syllabus, selection of weekly (or daily) quiz questions on the videos, creation of a mid-term and/or final exams (and all the administrative work involved in reserving exam rooms, getting proctors lined up at various sites, etc.), assigning term papers and correcting them, creating outside reading lists and fielding the daily e-mail queries on course work in a timely manner.
For an example of a Course Calendar/Assignments page of one of my economics courses using the Thinkwell system (Professor Tomlinson's "Macroeconomics") as well as a standard economics textbook (Professor Mankiw's "Principles of Macroeconomics"), click on http://econ131calendar.blogspot.com.
Notice the links from there (top of page), including the regular on-campus seminar schedule, the Office Consultations instructions, the hardcopy textbook I use with this course (Harvard professor Mankiw's low-cost softcover Macroeconomics) and so on.
The point to emphasize here is that students can get virtually all of the information they need to handle the course on a daily basis by simply clicking into this WEB page, which, by the way, is constructed with the amazing Pyra Lab (blogger) easy-to-use tools.
Aside: For all you economics professors out there: As an adjunct lecturer in economics for the past quarter century, I can say without qualifications that Professor Steve Tomlinson (Ph.D. Stanford) who does the Thinkwell economics videos is one of the best -- if not THE best -- lecturer in economics I've ever encountered. Really first rate. Also, using Harvard Professor N. Gregory Mankiw's, Macroeconomics or Microeconomics low-cost softcover textbooks in conjunction with the Tomlinson lectures on the same subjects has synergistic effects that are truly amazing. (I'm sure that Professors Tomlinson and Mankiw did not coordinate their work, but it sure appears that they did. Mankiw's easy-to-read textbook tracks amazingly well with the Tomlinson lectures.)
For the record, I am not a shareholder in Thinkwell or Harcourt Press (that publish Mankiw's textbooks), nor do I get commissions from them for saying good things about their works. My opinion is based on actual experience and results in mating the two for my Macro- and Microeconomics courses as of this writing (March 2003).
8. Prentice-Hall and Thomson Learning Platforms:
Posted 4/10/03: I'm trying out these platforms for the Spring2003 system. Specifically, for my Econ120 course, I'm using the Prentice-Hall "Survey of Economics" by O'Sullivan/Sheffrin and for my Pol. Sci. 110 course, I'm using the Thomson Learning "Democracy Under Pressure" by Cummings/Wise. Both of these publishers, like Thinkwell, offer platforms at which students can self-register and get to information about how an instructor may want to run the course along with usual links to further readings, files, discussion boards, etc.
I'm discontinuing use of the Thomson Learning platform because of the many technical glitches I've found in their online quiz/test software, particularly a very bad experience I had with a Mid-Term exam. The Prentice-Hall platform is not as intuitive as it could be (certainly not as easy-to-set up and use as the Thinkwell platform), but it is adequate. I don't plan to use it next semester, however.
Let's now turn to the creation of Web pages.
9. WEB PAGES - Create:
Although it would be possible to set up a distance learning course without a main Web page, my feeling is that it would be substantially more convenient to the university you are with and the prospective distance learning student if you used Web pages for your courses. Even standard lecture courses would be enhanced by using Web pages to disseminate useful information, referred to as a ?hybrid? system the term used by the on-line conference that helped to get this paper started. Click on http//www.geocities.com/hawcc for an example of how I list my courses, both Internet and standard lecture, at a Web site.
Keeping in mind the pointers noted earlier (see Section 3c, above), here is my recommendation on how to get started with Yahoo! /Geocities and Pyra Labs.
a. Yahoo!/Geocities: Although there are several ways to create and gain access to the free Yahoo!/Geocities Web site tools, the simplest and easiest-to-remember way to get started is from your Yahoo e-mail main page. Here's how:
1. Starting at your main Yahoo! e-mail page, click on Options (left column). 2. Do you see Account Information at the upper left? Good. Click on it. 3. Now, on the right side of the screen, note the column titled Review My Account Information and under it Create/Edit Home Page. Click on Create/Edit Home page. 4. Look for Yahoo! Page Builder and click on it. 5. At the lower left side of the screen, find Launch PageBuilder and click on it. At this point, if you have an el-cheepo PC like mine, it?ll take almost three full minutes for PageBuilder to load into your RAM. (NOTE: You are NOT downloading anything to your PC hard disk. All you are doing is loading the program into your RAM -- the random access memory --so that you can do nifty stuff.)
6. After PageBuilder loads up, look at the top of your screen and note the icons. You should set aside an hour or so to experiment with those icons, but for now, let's set up your first Web page in under 40 seconds. a. Click on Text and note the box that appears on your screen. Put your cursor in that box and type, say, Test Course 101 -- and then move the cursor to the Save icon and click on it. b. You are now presented with information that your page name is Index (that's good), at which point, click on the tiny Save box. c. See the message: Would you like to view your page ? Good. Since this is your first Web page, click on ok so that you can see what it looks like to the public. d. Congratulations! You have just created a Web page which anyone in the world can now access by merely typing in http://www.geocities.com/your-Yahoo!-ID.
Now that you have seen how easy it is to create a free Web page, let's not stop just yet but instead spend another minute or so to make some improvements to Test Course 101.
Let's say that you want to make the lettering bigger. It should now be in Times New Roman in size 12, the default. (Note the boxes, upper left of the page.)
To make the lettering bigger, first, hit the x (upper right box) of your screen to get back to your working page at your new web site.
a. Now, highlight Test Course 101 (hold your left button down while dragging the cursor across Test Course 101, and then release that button). b. Note the 12 in the box near the top left of your screen. Click on the tiny upside-down triangle to the right of it. This immediately presents you with a list of numbers from 6 to 48. Since you are now at 12, the default, and want larger lettering, guess what you need to do? Yep, you need to put the cursor on a number larger than 12. Try 18 for starters. Go ahead, put your cursor on 18.
Voila! Note that Test Course 101 is now much bigger! But wait. What if you want to make that boldface?
c. Easy. First highlight Test Course 101, notice the big B at the top of your screen, put your cursor on it and click! Voila again! Your Test Course 101 is now not only in large letters (size 18 to be exact) but it also is in bold face!
By clicking on all of the icons and other items at the top of your screen, you will see how easy it is to handle fonts (bold face, italics, etc.), colors (for lettering and background), additions like buttons, photos and other stuff. It would be very worthwhile to spend several hours manipulating and testing the PageBuilder tools.
I rarely used the help button because the trial and error approach, for me, is the fastest way to learn how to use this truly outstanding Web page making tool. You can also click on the PageBuilder tutorial which is available as an option when you first enter the Yahoo!/Geocities Web page site. Enjoy!
Let's now turn to the other recommended free Web page system.
b. Pyra Labs Blogger: The simplest way to get started is to click into http://www.blogger.com and follow the prompts after going into the New Account field.
The system I use for my courses is to set up one blogger account per course, e.g. One account for Pol. Sci. 110, one for Econ130 etc. From that one account, you can set up as many plain vanilla Blogger Web sites as you want associated with that account for free. This arrangement makes it easy for you to find, access, modify or change templates for these plain vanilla WEB sites quickly, and by quickly I mean within one or two minutes. (That?s REALLY quick.)
The first time you go into a blogger account, allow yourself about a half hour of learning curve time to set up a few test blogs (actually, stripped down, simple Web sites) using the pre-designed templates there. If you do a focused practice session, you'll soon be a pro and your subsequent efforts to create and use blogger Web sites will be much faster.
Blogs are plain vanilla in the sense that you won't be able to load photos, streaming videos, audio clips and fancy art right away. You can do those things with a blog Web site but it would require more technical expertise. On the other hand, you WILL be able to post simple messages, do the basic fonts (italic and bold face), and set up links within minutes without having to learn the intricacies of HTML code or Java script.
Using the free blog system, you'll really be able to set up an effective, easy-to-use Internet course page with multiple Web sites in under an hour, assuming you have absolutely zero knowledge about Web page building. No kidding. Try it. It'll amaze you. Just go slow the first few times to enter the blogger site (if it's congested and slow to load, just log out and try again in a few minutes).
For an example of one professional looking template I use, click on http://ps110fall.blogspot.com. Notice the left column with the useful links. How does one set up links in that left column for this blogger template? Easy. From the main blogger page, look at the blogger taskbar at the top of the page and click on "Template."
You will then be presented with the page in HTML format. At this point, if you have no idea what HTML code is all about, you may panic. Don't. Do what I did. Simply examine that page and notice what's there. For instance, look for the word "Archive" or "Home" in that jumble of words and compare it to what's on the web page. (To view the web page anytime, just click on "view web page" on the task bar in the middle of your screen).
Getting back to the page with HTML code: Notice that next to the word "Archive" or "Home" is a URL (Web page) address for them. URLs start with http:// etc.
The thing to do is simply replace the "Home" (for instance) with whatever you want, say, with "Zero Tolerance." Then, replace the original URL for "Home" with a URL you created (using blogger, perhaps?). Just go slowly and you'll be amazed how easy it is.
I f you forget the Web page address (URL) of your blog pages, all you need to do is click on Settings (near the top of the page) of the particular blog you are interested in.
Again, the entry to the Pyra Lab bloggers is: http://www.blogger.com. Have fun!
ADDENDUM 4/1/03: As of last month, Pyra Labs was acquired by Google which suggests that maybe, in the not-to-distant future, these free services may require a charge.
No discussion of distance learning is complete without a briefing on internet security matters. Basically, there are three first line of defense actions you can take to protect your home PC: (a) Establish the habit of unplugging your phone line from your PC when you are not on line, (b) set up an internal firewall at your PC and (c) adopt (and update frequently) virus scanning/deleting software.
(a) Unplugging your phone line when not on the Internet: This is easy to do and costs nothing. The main reason for getting into this habit is to prevent unauthorized persons from entering your PC via your phone line when you?re not on-line. If you use cable, this may be difficult, and therefore, doing (b) and (c) below becomes more urgent. You should know that some PCs can be turned on remotely if the phone jack is plugged in, even if the main power switch to the PC is ?off.? That is why unplugging the phone jack is recommended. This action can also help to mitigate serious damage to your PC from electrical storms or power surges.
(b) Setting up a Firewall: Good Firewall software makes your PC ?invisible? to probing intruders. Some so-called firewalls, however, are not as effective as others. To find out which are effective and which are not, do a Web search on ?firewalls? using your favorite search tool. One of the best search engines is at http://www.google.com.
McAfee, Norton and others sell effective firewall software on-line, and you can buy firewall CDs at your local office equipment store like Office Max. The cost is usually under $30/year for the service.
You can also download an outstanding free firewall service provided by ZoneAlert at http://www.zonelabs.com/products/za/freedownload1.html. (I use this one. It is really good and has won PC Magazine awards). (Amazingly, it is free -- as of Feb. 2002).
(c) Using virus detecting/deleting software: McAfee, Norton and other firms offer this service for under $30/year. However, I've found that AVG AntiVirus by Grisoft Corporation is also excellent. I started using it last year after it ?caught? two viruses on my PC that McAfee missed. They have a free version which can be downloaded at http://www.grisoft.com/html/us_downl.htm. Periodic updates are also free (as of Feb. 2002).
It would be a good idea to recommend use of firewalls and anti-virus software at your disclaimer page or as a separate posting to establish due diligence on your part.
Caveat (added 7/27/02): All of the above, of course, will not secure your PC absolutely because any competent professional hacker can still get into your files. How? Easy.
The CIA, FBI, and NSA agents can and do use Carnivore, Magic Lantern and Echalon, well-known hacking tools. For details on these rather unsophisticated tools and how to defeat them, go to Robert Graham's excellent FAQ sheet at >>--> http://www.robertgraham.com/pubs/carnivore-faq.html
More ominous and difficult to defeat are undetectible software and/or hardware trojans that government agents and private security firms can insert into your PC when you are not home. Such programs can automatically send your data to interested folks when you go on-line, or, to avoid detection by some of the more sophisticated firewalls which might pick up unauthorized outgoing message packets from your PC, the inserted trojans can be adjusted so as to simply save your data for later retrieval by an agent going back into your home when you're not in. These practices have been going on for quite awhile but have been expanded substantially since the 9/11 atrocity.
Distance learning approaches and technologies are still evolving, and institutions of higher learning are continuously adapting to these new technologies and consequent realities the technologies create. The on-line conference mode which got this paper started (click on http://leahi.kcc.hawaii.edu/org/tcon2002 for details) is one way that new information can be disseminated quickly to interested parties.
There are already over a million WEB sites that cover distant learning matters. To get a huge list of sites related to ?On-line Teaching and Learning? click on http://dmoz.org/Reference/Education/Distance_Learning/Online_Teaching_and_Learning / .
This paper will eventually end up on that list too! (smile) Enjoy!
A. Other ideas on how to set up on-line courses using free tools:
Your ideas to expand what is covered in this paper are welcome. Send your suggestions (with URLs) to: AnsonChong@pobox.com.
Technology for Teachers (http://www.techforteachers.org/index.html) is a great site managed by Donna Hendrey, author of "Essential Microsoft Office Tutorials" with fellow volunteers including Bernard Poole, Associate Professor, U. of Pittsburg and Marcus Holt, a professional Web designer.
Instructional Design for Online Learning (http://www.pitt.edu/~poole/edmenu.html) compiled by Professor Poole (see above) and Mandi Axman, Instructional Designer, Technikon, Pretoria, S. Africa, has many useful links for folks who design on-line courses.
B. Free WEB server listings:
http://www.freewebspace.net and http://www.freewebsiteproviders.com/
13. ADDENDA (Posted after April 8, 2002)
A. Thinkwell Rumors: Posted 4/14/02: From the Thinkwell site:
A note from Carl Tyson, CEO/President:
We understand that one of our competitors, a multi-million-dollar textbook publisher, has revived the rumor that Thinkwell is about to go out of business. Our lawyers are currently addressing the issue with this publisher. Being a small, independent company, we have heard these rumors since our founding, in 1997. Although unfortunate, it is not surprising that an older company, faced with a competitive threat, would seek to frighten the market in order to maintain its traditional dominance. Nevertheless, Thinkwell continues to experience dramatic growth in the number of satisfied customers and users that we serve each day. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns
Thinkwell Slipping? OK now. During the Fall 2002 semester, I've noticed a deterioration in the tech support area. Some of my e-mail requests were simply not answered, and there was one instance where the tech folks changed items in the middle of the semester in the on-line exercise area which caused some consternation. Also, a key person who handled our inquiries was laid off in Sept. (Posted 11/19/02) Thinkwell Tech Support OK: There has been a marked improvement in response to queries since the late Fall2002 semester. Because of this, I've reinstituted the system for both of my Pol. Sci. and Micro courses. (For the current Spring 03 semester, I had cut back to only the Macro course I handle). (Posted 3/31/03)
B. Online Learning News by Ray Schroeder, Director, Office of Technology-Enhanced Learning, U. of Illinois, Springfield. Schroeder was recently named "Distinguished Scholar in Online Learning, 2001-2003," by the Alfred P. Sloan Consortium (Posted 4/15/02)
This is a continuously updated (Blogger!) site that focusses on online learning. The URL is: http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/onlinelearning/blogger.html
C. Technology Tools for Today's Campuses, Edited by Dr. James L. Morrison, Professor of Education Leadership and Editor-in-Chief, The Technology Course program at the U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also a Microsoft Scholar.
This excellent on-line paper at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/monograph/CD/, put together in 1997, has substantial breadth and depth with links that work!
D. Free Internet Service Providers (ISPs): (Posted 4/16/02)
My experience with free ISPs is that they are loaded with advertisements, take up a lot of RAM, not always reliable, lack tech support and can disappear without a trace without advance warning. However, for the extremely budget-challenged, and in the spirit of the title of this paper, here is the URL for a list of current ISPs: http://www.all-free-isp.com/
E. Yahoo Groups now has audio Chat: (Posted 5/17/02)
F. Hybrid Teaching Can Blend with Traditional:
>>--> http://chronicle.com/free/v48/i28/28a03301.htm
*** Copyrighted by Anson Chong, 2002, all rights reserved. ***
For educational non-profit tax-exempt entities: Permission granted to cite or quote from this article within the guidelines of the fair-use doctrine pursuant to Title 17, U.S.C., Section 107 of the U.S. copyright law. English translation: Go ahead and quote from this paper as long as you cite the source (this URL which is http://distancelearn.blogspot.com).
